Motorcycles, bicycles, limousines, buses, scooters, trailers, ATV’s, any vehicle over eight feet tall, are not allowed.
Vehicle occupants are not allowed to photograph, videotape, record or live stream the drive-thru experience.
No smoking of any kind is allowed while on the premises.
No alcoholic beverages or controlled substances are allowed while on the premises.
Keep headlights turned on.
Roll windows down.
Keep speed at 3 mph.
Guests may not leave their vehicle for any reason while on the grounds.
Guests are not allowed to touch displays/staff/actors OR use any derogatory language towards staff/actors.
DO NOT ENTER: If you are under the influence of any medication, alcohol or controlled substance; If you suffer from mental health struggles; If you are pregnant or have a medical condition that could be worsened by being frightened.
Failure to comply with any posted rule will result in your removal from the attraction.